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B and Gros met at a catalytic reduction system manufacturer where their poor treatment and subsequent dismissal caused them to turn to art to heal their wounds. Unemployed and seeking a means of support they recognized their differences and also their combined strengths as artists and partners. Inspiring one another and pushing each other to continue through discouragement and strife they quickly found their style and began to sell their work.

B and Gros made a discovery that their art was the result of pure and almost thoughtless motivations. In their creations the paint is the guide and they are the vehicles. B and Gros quickly sold many of their first paintings. Inspired by their early success they agreed that their lack of formal training might just be their saving grace. With their only tool being raw emotion and digging into their past experiences they create whatever their souls commit upon the canvas.

Combined travels through many countries; India, Morocco, Mexico, Bulgaria, Belize, Province, Dubai and East Texas gives B and Gros a raw perspective about life and the struggle to maintain it in the face of adversity.



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